Medicare Enrollees -

Enrollees Problems With Medicare

Did you know that you have to become enrollees and sign up for Medicare? It doesn’t happen automatically, unless you are already receiving Social Security benefits. Then you are automatically signed up for Medicare Part A and Part B.

There are two main ways to get Medicare coverage; either Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage.

  • Original Medicare includes Part A and Part B. Part A is hospital insurance and Part B is medical insurance.
  • Medicare Advantage Plans is considered the all-in-one alternative. You’ll still get Part A and Part B and sometimes you’ll get Part D, which covers prescriptions. It typically covers vision, hearing and dental that you typically don’t get in Original Medicare. A benefit of Medicare Advantage Plans is that you have a limit with out-of-pocket costs. Once you reach that limit (which varies based on coverage), you’ll pay nothing else for covered services.

A problem that many enrollees face is there are unexpected costs and denial of benefits, because Medicare deemed them not medically necessary.

Either choice tends to have its disadvantages. Medicare Advantage can become expensive if you’re sick due to the out-of-pocket costs. But if you are healthy Medicare Advantage could be the right choice for you. Plus, you must choose from their network of doctors; which may limit your treatment options.

To see which Medicare option is for you, get a comprehensive list of all co-pays and deductibles before choosing a particular plan. Plus, it will help to see what doctors they choose and which medications are covered based on your current list of doctors and medications.

If you need help finding or deciding on Medicare insurance, call Jim Rooney at Advanced Insurance Concepts. He works with a variety of insurance companies in Missouri and Kansas. He is licensed to sell Health, Life and Accident Insurance, so call Jim Rooney for all your insurance needs.  

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