Fixed Annuities

Annuities - Jim Rooney -

Pros and Cons of Annuities

Annuities are one way to provide regular income during retirement. When you buy an annuity, you are basically asking the issuer to send you regular payments for a set period of time or the rest of your life. While there are many different types, it’s important to weight the pros and cons of annuities. Annuity…

Fixed Annuity -

What is a Good Rate for a Fixed Annuity?

When determining the best rate for a fixed annuity, one must first determine what your goal for the annuity is. Will it be for income now or when you retire? Or asset protection? Many annuities will fit into all categories, but some excel better in specific areas. Since an annuity is an insurance contract in…

Annuities - - Jim Rooney

Are Annuities a Good Investment in 2022?

During the pandemic, annuities bottomed out for the most part. Since the beginning of 2022, annuities have begun to trend up. Buyers who are generally retirees or those near retirement age, may find their payouts better than they were in January of 2022. This increase is expected to continue, if the Federal Reserve continues raising…

Fixed Annuity - - Jim Rooney

How Does Fixed Annuity Work?

To understand how a fixed annuity works, you must first understand what a fixed annuity actually is. A fixed annuity is a financial product that guarantees a specific rate of return and provides a steady stream of income during retirement. With a set annuity, the investor knows exactly how much the annuity will grow and…

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Insurance with Jim Rooney

Jim Rooney is the owner of Advanced Insurance Concepts. He built Advanced Insurance Concepts to allow him to serve his clients to the best of his ability and to find the best possible solution for their health, live and accident insurance needs. There are over 25 insurance companies; plus, all of the Medicare Advantage providers…


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